Surrogate FAQs

Does embryo transfer hurt?
Not at all. The embryo transfer process is very similar to having a pap smear. The embryo is introduced through a very thin catheter that is inserted through the cervix and positioned at the correct spot in the uterus.
Will I have to use my eggs?
Never. We only deal with gestational surrogacy – that is, carrying a baby that is not biologically related to you in any way. The intended parents will use their own cells, or in the case that they cannot, they will use donor cells. But never yours!
Will I have to take hormones?
Yes, you will have to take hormones temporarily. If you did not, the conditions in your body would not be right to support the embryo and allow it to develop into a baby. However, you will only be on these medications until about 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, when your body takes over.
Do I have to have sex to be a surrogate?
Not at all! The embryos are created in a lab and are transferred into your body via a very clinical medical procedure. In fact, even the intended parents did not have sex to create these embryos. So, there is no need to worry.
Is being a surrogate safe?
Surrogacy is as safe as any other pregnancy. While there are risks involved with every pregnancy, and every pregnancy can potentially be different, the risks with carrying a surrogate baby are equal to carrying your own baby.
Do I have to abstain from sex throughout my pregnancy?
No, you don’t. The only time you do have to abstain is from the start of your medication cycle, until the first ultrasound. Following that, you may resume normal sexual activity, but ONLY with the partner that was screened alongside you at your medical screening. Multiple partners are a breach of contract and could potentially harm the baby if you were to contract a serious sexually transmitted disease.
Do I get paid for being a surrogate? When will I get paid?
Yes, surrogacy is generally compensated and just how much will be outlined in your gestational carrier agreement (contract). Usually, you will begin to receive your non-accountable monthly allowance on the first of the month following legal clearance, and your pregnancy monthly compensation (large checks) on the first of the month following confirmation of pregnancy. Any bonuses will be added to that month’s check. Please refer to our compensation package for
more information.
How does it feel to give up the baby?
Surrogacy can be a very emotional experience, and every woman deals with it differently. Most of the time, the surrogate has had almost a year to build a relationship with the intended parents, and by the time she gives birth she is overjoyed to give the baby over to his or her parents. Most surrogates want to embark on another journey soon after their first, and from our experience come back to us repeatedly to help out multiple families!